MACHCLOUD® trademarks and brands are most valuable corporate assets and are an important part of its intellectual property portfolio. The correct use of MachCloud Logos, Trademarks and other materials is mandatory. It represents our identity, any unauthorized or improper use of MachCloud’s trademarks may constitute infringement or unfair competition in violation of federal, state and international laws. Our trademark and brand usage guidelines help you to properly refer to our Trademarks, correctly use our logos in different circumstances. Follow these Guidelines carefully when using any of our trademarks.
You may use MachCloud trademarks to refer to MachCloud's products and services, so long as the trademarks are used properly in accordance with these Guidelines. Use of MACHCLOUD trademarks not in accordance with these Guidelines or of marks that are confusingly similar to MACHCLOUD trademarks may constitute a violation of MACHCLOUD's rights.
NOTE: MachCloud reserves the right to revise these Guidelines from time to time, without any notice.
If you have a question, please contact MachCloud legal department or your MachCloud Account Manager.